What we do

It’s been a brilliant few years for us and EqUa Coaching has grown and turned into the business we hoped it would. During this time, we have both continued learning and developing our own brand of coaching which we have called The EqUa Approach®

We feel we have developed a unique approach that will enable you to unlock the most authentic version of yourself, the happiest and most fulfilled.

The EqUa Approach is about finding balance in all aspects of your life with equilibrium, equality and equanimity.
The EqUa Approach is a way to help you get yourself into balance.

  • Balance of mind
  • Balance of Body
  • Balance of Life

When you have an even mind, you give yourself the best opportunity to live the life you want. By using the techniques and teachings of this approach to help you calm your mind, raise yourself belief and become aware of you and your possibilities, you can gain control back and give yourself the freedom to do whatever you want.

Get in Touch for more information about our one to one sessions and our back to balance Skype packages. If you’d like more information about our online courses or workshops click here.

  • Liz Bell

    Media Performance and Life Coach

    In 2010 while listening to an all too familiar story from a colleague, Liz realised more and more of the people around her were consistently burnt out and stressed.  This led to a swerve away from her career path and started a 5-year quest in retraining. 

    First, she studied Psychology and became something of an expert in Body Language.  In 2012 she achieved Licensed NLP Practitioner status, certified by Dr Richard Bandler and finally, went on to gain additional certifications in Hypnotherapy and Transformative Life Coaching. Liz is proud to be one of a handful mentored by the world-renowned life coach, Ali Campbell whose Transformative Life coaching style she says has been a revelation to learn.

    Liz is the co-developer of the EqUa Approach® and last year she launched her first book "Who Am I - Tales for those who feel lost". She is in charge of The EqUa Approach® Find your balance online coaching program which will be launched later on in the year.

  • Jo Hodges

    Author, Performance and Lifecoach

    Jo began her career some 20-years ago after gaining a BA Hons in Performance and Media.  It began with an audacious stint as a stand-up comedian and went on to include roles such as producer, director and camerawoman. After many years of experience and many stories to tell, Jo retrained and became a Licensed Practitioner in NLP, certified by NLP founder Dr Richard Bandler. She gained additional certification in Hypnotherapy, Transformative Life Coaching and Mindfulness and is proud to be one of a handful mentored by the world-renowned life coach, Ali Campbell. She is the co-author of the EqUa Approach® and is developing the performance and acting strand of our online coaching courses plus writing her own series of children’s coaching books.