Welcome to The Tea Urn; the place to be for those in the film and TV industry. We offer a warm hug of support; a place to unwind and catch up on the latest news, advice, and gossip. Our friendly community is here to look after you and provide you with a space where you can connect with like-minded individuals. With our podcast and blog, we keep you up to date with all things film and TV while providing you with the support you need to thrive in this industry. Whether you’re a writer, producer, director, or in any other role, The Tea Urn is just for you. Come on in, grab a cuppa, and put your feet up.
The Tea Urn
5 Tips for Successful Networking
Ah, networking! Fun, isn't it? Networking is an essential part of success, especially in the Film and TV industry. Here
Fusion Film and TVSep 18, 2023 -
How to Say No to Work
Also called: How to say no to work and maintain a positive freelance career and your sanity. Being a freelancer
Fusion Film and TVJan 16, 2024 -
5 self-care tips for freelancers who work long and mad hours
How to practice self-care when you work long and mad hours as a freelancer. It's not easy, is it? From
Fusion Film and TVFeb 2, 2023